Defy Appliances
Horrible service at Defy in Montague Gardens

Shops, Products, Services

The plastic trims on our glass shelves, in our six month old Defy fridge broke. A repair guy (Brian) came out about two days after, looked at the fridge and said he will order the trims as they have nothing in stock; it will take about a week. After a week and a half I phoned again, Brian said he will deliver the next day, three days past and nothing. I phoned again and again I was promised delivery, another week went past and after complaining they finally delivered the trims. Upon opening the packet at home, I discovered they delivered two correct parts and two incorrect parts. I phoned again, explained and again I got the same story, we will deliver the parts, but we don't have stock now. I waited a week and no word, so I phoned again. Brian said he will deliver next day, the next day -nothing! This happened another three times, promises for delivery and nothing and no feedback from Defy. Finally they delivered and what do you know the whole packet of parts is incorrect. I finally gave up and asked my husband to phone, they said they will deliver next day and it is now the third day and nothing. A month wait for four shelf trims - ridiculous my reference: 62166

Company: Defy Appliances
Country: South Africa
City: Milnerton
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Defy Appliances
Terrible Service