Leapfrog Property Group
Lease Agreement Gone Bad

Real Estate

2 Years ago I signed a lease agreement with the property agency. After giving them over 3 months notice that I will not be continuing with rental and getting written confirmation from the owner of the property on when I am allowed to move out, the agency refused to pay back my deposit.
Their defense was that my deposit money was paid to the owner when I moved in and they are therefore not responsible for paying back my deposit. On the day I paid the deposit I was at their offices, signed the contract with them, paid the deposit to them and got a receipt from them. Never once was I informed that my deposit will be paid to the owner.
This action according to the property laws of SA and the EAAB is illegal. The agency has to keep my deposit in a Trust accounting, earning interest, and pay it back on the day I move out. The agency also did a final site inspection on the day I moved out of the building and agreed everything was in order to pay over my deposit.
After sending them lawyer letters asking to pay back my deposit, I have received no communication or deposit.
It seems I will have to write off my money, but they will be handed over to the EAAB for further investigation!

Company: Leapfrog Property Group
Country: South Africa
City: Tableview Connings Comme
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Leapfrog Property Group

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