Road Accident Fund
I'm sure no one works there

Politics & Government

After calls and e-mails like you wont believe, nothing. Absolutely no feedback. I'm pretty sure that no one works at the RAF except Lorraine Britz. I've got an undertaking with the RAF. When you can't get hold of anyone how the do you claim. These claims have been outstanding and till date i've received no refunds.
I need to pay on date of purchase but what is the use when you don't get refunded. I'm sure that this will be the reason why customers just leave it and not claim at all.
Worst of all; my sister whom was involved in the accident with me is currently staying in an old age home.
They havent paid for her accomidation for two months...
This is just getting sad, what has our country come to.

Company: Road Accident Fund
Country: South Africa
City: Head Office
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Road Accident Fund
Claims i was not aware off

Road Accident Fund (raf)
RAF didnt pay me

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Lack of feedback on claim No: 462987

Road Accident Fund
Thank you for the care and information

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