Discovery Health
Fed Up

Health & Medicine

After numerous blood tests for my thyroid my GP refered me to an Endocrinologist in my area. The consultation fee I had to pay to see the specialist, was R1500 which I then paid and submitted the claim through to the medical aid. According to the medical aid they will only be liable for R435.30 as this is the medical aid rate. I was then informed that I can contact Discovery and get a list of these specialist in my area who will cover the consultation fee etc. I then requested for a list of Endocrinologists in my area, but the agent was not able to trace anything on their system? So if Discovery cannot supply me with a specialist then WHY should I be liable for the balance? I have more than enough savings available for them to refund me!! This is unacceptable. Why do we pay for a medical aid if you cant be given a list of specialist specialising in thyroid conditions. He was however able to name a few specialists in my area, but he was not sure what they specialise in. So I had to call each one of them and spend MORE money to find an Endocrinologist that is contracted to Discovery! NOT ON!!

Company: Discovery Health
Country: South Africa
City: Head Office
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