Ballito Accommodation
No service

Health & Medicine

Rented accommodation in Ballito from Ballito Accommodation where part of deal is daily cleaning service. Despite paying in full, and 3 phone calls to Ahmed and Christine no cleaners were sent for entire duration of stay.

Company: Ballito Accommodation
Country: South Africa
City: Ballito
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Autopage Ballito, bad service

No 3 La Pirougue
Deposit still not repaid!!

Bad service

Ballito Accommodation
Ridiculous Terms

Ballito Signal

First National Bank
Cheque card send to the wrong branch

Ballito Accommodation
Terrible and Disgusting accommodation

Ballito Cellular
Ballito Cellular doesn't care about its customers!

Wa Painter
La Ballito Unit 502 W A Painte

PostNet SA
Wonderfull service