Discovery Health
Stonewalled, bad service

Health & Medicine

I submitted a claim and have heard nothing back. This is my email:

I'd like to claim for the attached medical bill for R1420, paid to Peter Powis (clinical psychologist).
Please confirm receipt of this email.
Kind regards,
Lars Liedberg
Membership #: 291468264

All I received was an automated response saying my email was recieved with ref, # 2791103718. I have heard nothing more from Discovery. If my claim was rejected I'd appreciate some communication to that effect, and if so, I would like to enter into some form of discussion re: this issue.

I wrote another letter asking why I hadn't heard back from them and I received another automated response with a new ref #: 2830435224. Useful. I want a human to contact me back and deliver some form of service to me as a paying customer.

Lars Liedberg

Company: Discovery Health
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
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Discovery Health
My claim has taken 2 weeks and still no response


Discovery Health
No response

Discovery Health

No response! No payment of claim as of yet

Discovery Health
Discovery - another poor service provide

Discovery Health
Discovery Claim - Not Paid

Discovery Health
Vague and sub standard communications

Discovery Health
VERY Disapointed Service

Resolution Health Medical Scheme
No Response on Claims