Samsung Brand Store
I recived such bad service

Electronics and household app.

I went to Samsung store on the 03/12/2013 at around 11am in the morning wanting to open a contract fro a S4, i initially asked for the person who handles the contracts but she was not in as she was working the late shift, so an idian gentle man helped me by the name of Perian, he promised me i would receive my new phone that same day, so of course first all the systems weren't working which is understand able so i find i all the necessary paper work and was told i wil be given a call as they will shortly load my contact and get it sorted, so i get a call at 2pm 3hrs later which is a bit excessive time period to load simple paper work upon arrival i am told everything ng is sorted they get my phone and all ready i get very excitted, on;ly to be told that they have to depute some matter so i cannot get my phone yet, i am told that it should not take more than 45mins to 1 hours to sort this out, i asked the sales person Perian will i be getting my phone today and he assures me i will and he will give me a call when it sorted in about 1hour, . 2hours go by so i take it apon myself to go to the store yet again, only to arrive to find the person who helped me has left.

Company: Samsung Brand Store
Country: South Africa
City: Clearwater mall
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Samsung South Africa
I recieved such bad service

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All I want is for my sim swap to happen

Samsung Brand Store
Pathetic Service

Horrid Service