Academy For Mathematics
Cancellation of Contract

Education & Science

I had registered for my sons tuition and have since requested to cancel my contract as i no longer require the services. i have been trying to send e mails to no avail. eventually someone called me back yesterday to tell me that i cannot cancel the contract because of their "' terms and conditions''.I asked for the complaints Dept and she told me she is the complaints dept I have to speak to her anyway, even if i sent an e mail, she is the one who will get it, Really!!! I did not take a loan from you guys so i cannot understand why i should be forced into this when i have clearly stated that i do not need your services anymore. yes i received the books which i am sending back. i have been honouring my debit order from October last year up to date. I am not happy about this. Just getting a hold of you is near impossible. Let alone getting feedback. This is ridiculous. I cannot afford to pay you for services not rendered.

Company: Academy For Mathematics
Country: South Africa
City: Gauteng
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