Extreme Thatchers
Bad Attitude

Construction & Repair

In 2012 I had a large thatch roof done by Extreme Thatchers. I have built 1 new house and done alterations or extensions a number of times. This company is one of the 3 worst companies that I have dealt with. In stead of taking 4 to 5 weeks the project took 4 to 5 months and completely ruined the schedules of all the other contractors on site. We parted company on bad terms and because I would not allow them to do the Fire proofing they said that they would not guarantee their work. The roof leaks like a sieve in places and I am having to get another contractor to try and fix it.

On parting I expressly told them that they may not use any pictures of my house in advertising or on the internet. I discovered yesterday that they are doing just that. I wrote to Charl Thompson and asked him to remove the pictures but he refused saying that it is part of his contract. I find it amazing how these guy's find ways to hide behind a contract when it suits them, but totally ignore that same contract when is not in their favour.

My advice to you is to avoid this company - the price may be cheaper than others, but it is not worth the extra stress they cause.

Company: Extreme Thatchers
Country: South Africa
City: West Rand
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Extreme Thatchers

Vast Renovations Coporation
Did not deliver on the contract as was agreed upon

The Dry Spot
Damage caused by bad installation Water Proofing

Poor quality service & ignorance

Failure to honour 15 year guarantee

Lifestyle Guttering
Bad workmanship and guarantee not honoured

Sm Structures
Shed Roof LEAKS one year later - repaired 4 times

Empty promises

Pro-tec Wall & Roof Coatings
Breach of Guarantee on Contract