Total South Africa
Wrong Petrol & Bad Service

Cars & Transport

I stop at the Gelvandale Total Service Station for petrol & to buy electricity, as I get out of my car a petrol assistant came to help me I told him to trow R200 LRP in my car, I left him to throw in the petrol & went into the service station shop to buy electricity as came back to the car the petrol assistant is throwing in the wrong petrol (unleaded) I told the guy that is not what I ask for, I went to complaint but I was gave a phone to speak to the owner of the place, the owner told me that that was my fault and not his guys fault it's my word against his as if he was there, he told me I had to stay at my car if they pour in petrol in my car, this is the first time I heard of this there were no signs that tells me to stay at my car while the assistant is pouring petrol, the owner told me there is nothing he can do about it i must just take that petrol and pay thats my fault & hang up ; was so angry I will never go to that Service Station again I'll tell friends and family to drive pass that place because there service stinks.
(Supplier name changed from Engen Petroleum to Total South Africa by

Company: Total South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: Total Gelvandale
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Engen Petroleum
Bad service

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Petrol money

Total South Africa
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