First National Bank
Cheque card cloning

Business & Finance

I was standing in the quie waiting to draw money, on 2013-02-19 at 19:00 hrs. i inserted my card into the atm and went to the pre paid airtime screen by itself, tried to cancel and correct transaction, but couldn't get my card back from the atm, while i was busy the gentleman that was in front of me came back and asked am i struggling with the machine? i said yes i am, and he said the machine just this to me aswell.
i immediatly phoned 0800110132 and repoted the incedent to them, and the lady said that my card has been cancelled, and that they have ordered me a new cheque card and it will be delivered at FNB The Village in 4 to & 7 working days, i said that i cannot wait so long, i need money, she said i must go to the branch and get a temp debit card in the meanwhile. when i came to the branch on 2013-02-20 i filled all the paperwork in and they said it will take up to 4 weeks, which i find unacceptable from FNB, this was not my fault that my card was cloned and my money! i need my money ASAP as ive got medical bills to attend to. With all the good atvertisement from FNB, i would like to see immediate action taken on this matte

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Witpoortjie, Pick n Pay
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