Customer Service Incompetence

Business & Finance

I went to the bank on the 4th of Feb 2013 to renew my debt card. They issued me a new chip card and off I went. I tried to buy goods and when they swipe my card it said blocked. I went back to the bank and the lady at the enquiries told me there must be something wrong with the machine they are using but she will rewrite my card so the chip will work again. I then draw money straight after and went home. I tried to swipe my card to buy food and once again it did not work. So I went back on the 5th of Feb 2013 and told them I do not want this chip anymore as it does not work. no cards without chip. She ask the other lady at the enquiries what must she do as on the system it shows blocked. She then issued me with a new card and told me it will work now it shows active on the system as it did yesterday. So I went draw money and when I wanted to swipe again yesterday same think did not work. So after 3 attempts at the bank my card still does not work. So now today I am so frustrated and need to go back again this is not on. I need to ask time off at work just to sort out my card. I have spent now 4 Hours already just to drive up and down to sort out this issue. Today again i go back

Company: Absa
Country: South Africa
City: Rivonia
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