Old Mutual
No Responds from Customer Service Centre

Business & Finance

Had roof repaired, paid the company want to inquiry what is needed to claim, then the geyser started leaking,

Got a quote, but want Old Mutual to send somebody out, not happy with some of the conditions in the quote.

Logged or send email to the Customer Service Centre, only received an acknowledgements of email received and I'll get an response 48 hours or sooner.

First email send 15 Jan - no comeback or responds reg nr CCC 6363 967
Second email 16 Jan - no come back or responds ref nr CCC 6367 888
Third email send 21 Jan -still waiting, while water is leaking through ceiling etc Ref nr CCC 6380 552

Difficult to phone from work, so it seems that you pay your dues every month on insurance, that part of the equation works, but the other part to claim and report ...???

Company: Old Mutual
Country: South Africa
City: Customer Services Centre
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Standard Bank
Moving backwards in terms of service


Regent Insurance Company
No Feedback andLOng time Waiting

Dial Direct Insurance
POLICY 828456454

Not completing the work required for the 2nd time

Standard Bank
Insurance - Roofleaking

Claim not getting attention

Old Mutual

Mutual & Federal
Finalization of claim poor geyser installation

Old Mutual
How incompentent???