Standard Bank
Standard Bank moving backwards-not forward

Business & Finance

Standard Bank home insurance-2013.01.13 faxed quote for garage doors repair, electric motor not working. On 2013.01.25 phoned to follow up. Had extreme difficulty in getting through, took some 20 minutes to get through to someone who could help. Florence mentioned claim ok, would arrange payment week of 28 to 31 January. To date no credit!!! Ordered IPAD3 through Standard Bank (and paid on credit card) 2013.01.17. Expected delivery 5 to 7 working days. On 31 Jan still no delivery. Phone DGStore (the Vendor) and spoke to Kashina. They were experiencing back log problems. Will phone back in 10 min. 1 hour later phoned back. Unit would be delivered on Friday 1 Feb. Surprise, no delivery. If unit not delivered on Monday 2013.02.04, I will request full credit for non delivery and pay a visit to FNB with a view to opening an FNB account, maybe I will get delivery within 3 days. If so could be good bye to Standard Bank after 35 years. Of interest I went to the IStore in Eastgate and I was told that they do not handle any claims on IPADS supplied by Standard Bank, but units from FNB no problem. You will have to pay for the repair if supplied by Standard Bank. Hope this is not true.

Company: Standard Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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