Auto And General
Cliam Rejection

Business & Finance

I was involved in a serious accident on 13 November. The police were present and after checking me (obviously checking if I was under the influence of alcohol), advised that I be taken to hospital, as was disorientated and shocked from the incident and still cannot believe how this happened, later I went to the police station to report the accident. When I got to the police station the other person who I was involve with in the incident told the police He believe that I might be under the influence of alcohol he insisted that I be taken for blood test, the arresting officer told him he does not beileve so they guy call some Sinior officers who seems to be related to him and that officer intrcucted the the arresting officer officer to take me for blood, before I even went for the test I call Auto & general lawyers I informed them of the situation and the advise me to just coopoarate with the police and I did so, The Auto & General person Chaad, handling the claim started to ask questions of the events leading to the accident, he even spoken to witnesses in the area and they they told him I was not under the influence of alcohol. I even took time off from work to get hi

Company: Auto And General
Country: South Africa
City: Gauteng
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