Standard Bank

Business & Finance

Mr rosenberg promised to sort out my address on my account. But instead he had my previous address added to my account without my permission. My proof of address was deleted and thrown away frim your system. To which my internet banking is now also disabled. He promised that it wont happen again and everything will be taken care of. Also no one has come back to me concerning sorting out this mess you created. I have gone to your branch with proof of residence a few times only to go through all this again because your staff is unhappy because I as a paying customer asked why I am receiving so much bad treatment without deserving it. And I will keep on laying complaints until you sort out your staff and their attitudes and misconduct that affects me.
But not to worry. I am taking this to the paper as you love corruption and misconduct so much and cherish it by nurturing the behaviours. People have the right to know who they are dealing with.

Company: Standard Bank
Country: South Africa
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