Standard Bank
Requesting bank reports a joke!!!

Business & Finance

We rely very much on full general reports from our bank in order to assist our clients with 30day accounts. There is a turnaround time of 5 working days to get a report from the bank but 90% of the time it takes much longer than than and we have to actually phone and query them. I waited 7 working days for a report only to get an answer from Thando Nkutha stating that the account number is invalid. Does it really take any bank 7 working days to figure this out??? And if I did not query my report, would someone actually have gotten back to me?? Also, we sometimes phone and ask them if they could please try to get the report urgently as our clients need to order goods and they are just so unhelpful. The only answer you get is that it is up to the other bank how long they take... they don't even try to assist. In most cases you still wait longer than 5 days in any way. You guys are honestly very unhelpfull and I think you should relook your processes as they clearly do NOT work!

Company: Standard Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Service Fulfillment Busi
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