First National Bank

Business & Finance

Hi, I am a FNB client that bought into the whole FNB Connect thing. As I received 3gb of data in the past every month, I was more than happy to sign up and see there uncapped offering. The free bandwidth I received every month was of high standard and always worked like a charm. When I signed up I chose the 10mb Uncapped offering getting the 20-30% discount based on my profile. Once I received the 10mb account I connected and saw there speeds isn't true @ [URL Removed] unlike the account they gave me (3gb free) I was unhappy and wanted to cancel the service. on the 26th @ 8am I phoned them to stop the service as I didn't want it any more. The service ran from 13th Aug to the 25th at 12pm. FNB didn't want to cancel the service and forced me into another month of unhappy ISP service. 8 hours late

being the customer I was forced to stay and then use their services.

3 days ago since 1 Sept my uncapped 10mb adsl line was running but I cant move any data or visit any sites but [URL Removed] and fnbconnect worked. This means they capped me as I cant reach the internet. Tried phoning them for 3 days on 0875750001. Call back option never worked I am still waiting. No net for more than 3 days!

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Capetown
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Exorbitant Costs

Telkomsa uncapped a sales gimmick and a lie

Axxess Dsl
Axxess 10mb uncapped stutters and stammers at 2m

Simple task proving impossible

Uncapped ADSL from Mweb is not uncapped

Web Africa
WEB AFRICA - the ISP that sells you

MWEB's Uncapped is capped

TELKOM FASE ADVERT uncapped is NOT uncapped

Overbilled, disputes rejected, Uncapped Acc Capped

ADSL unusable yet a month notification required