First National Bank
No sense of customer service

Business & Finance

I recently received a H/L quotation from FNB, which I signed despite the exorbitant interest rate. I got call from Bongiwe to go through quote, I missed that call but I returned call following day. The first consultant took my reference no, went through security check and then put me on hold for Bongiwe. After holding for 15 min or so I dropped call and later in the day called, went through same security check and was told to hold on. I refused and asked a message to passed to Bongiwe to call me back (14/05/2013). As I had not received a call, I made another attempt and this time I was escalating. Was told all managers/supervisors were in meeting, was interrogated as to why I wanted to escalate. I gave my reasons, it seemed the consultant couldn't understand my audacity to escalate not being called back despite no feedback from her own colleagues. I gave times of my calls, she logged a query with a promise to a senior to call me back by close of business (15/05/2013)... I'm still waiting for call, unless the dept closes after 17h00 which was time given to me.

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Homeloans
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