Cell C
Questionable amount billed


It has been a week after I tried to get Cell C to communicate with me regarding my latest bill and the reasons for over charging me. I was not happy about what Nelly said over the phone to me so I requested it on mail. Then I replied to Nelly's 5 lines e-mail, requesting some answers as to my agreement with Cell C. No reply. I sent an follow up e-mail, also no reply from her. Basic questions like "what did my previous contract include (bundles etc)? " why if I upgrade in month 21 and my upgrade conditions only kick in end of month 24, must I pay for the bundles from the previous deal in the months before month-end 24?

Basically Cell C has taken the attitude of that they will charge me and "so what" if I do not agree? If that is not the case I gladly await your response... and please don't phone me with circle arguments, put it on mail.


Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Head office
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