Virgin Mobile South Africa
Legal action after 8 months without any warning!!


About 3 yrs ago I accepted a tele-sales contract with Virgin @R120/m. At the time I asked for paperwork but never received it. After 24 months I cancelled the contract after paying diligently by d/o. I sent back 1 or 2 payments that Virgin still presented to my bank account and gave it no more thought. On 1 Mrch 2013 I received an sms from a legal firm instructing me to pay R282-13, on 14 Mrch 2013 another sms informed me to now pay R320-54! Upon contacting them they told me to take my dispute up with Virgin. I unsuccessfully tried to phone Virgin twice, afterwhich I emailed twice explaining and requesting statements to enable me to reconcile.(Apparently July 2012 was outstanding) Both replies referred me back to the legal firm. Upon phoning them this morning, a lady was happy to mail me a statement @ R35! If indeed I still owed Virgin R120, I would've happily paid it! Now I'm handed over without so much as an sms from Virgin requesting payment and the original debt of R120 has now become R320-54! With a small amount like this I suppose taking "the way of least resistance" is best, but I hate being taken to the cleaners like this!! Is there any way to remedy this??

Company: Virgin Mobile South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: Tele-sales contract
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