8ta / Telkom Mobile
No Coverage, Call centre not helping


I bought a 15 Gig Data bundle and Mifi from 8ta Convergence for R299 per month after i checked the coverage on the Map. My signal ranges from None 98% of the time to Edge 2% of the time, which is useless for anything.
I went to the Help Screen and tried to Chat, your Operator Eldridge came on and as soon as I said it was Convergence he told me:
Eldridge> Ok Gregg with the convergence deal for technical help you need to call 10217 as it falls under Telkom business.
I called 10217 and they no longer deal with technical mobile support, I have to dial 180 from the phone, but My sim is in a dongle. Since then I have tried to talk to Eldridge and he will not respond at all.
This blatent dissregard for assisting a customer is disgusting and wont be tolerated, especially from a late entrant who is looking for customers.
I feel that i should be able to get help from 8ta, which is on the Sim.
Poor service, Poor coverage from a lying Map.
My contact details are 0837772024
Thank you.

Company: 8ta / Telkom Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Call Center
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All I want is Voice & Data coverage inside my home

8ta / Telkom Mobile
Poor coverage

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8ta / Telkom Mobile
No Coverage an No Technical Help

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8ta / Telkom Mobile
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8ta / Telkom Mobile
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