Cell C
Do random people from the street work here


I have witnessed my fiance on a monthly basis spend 4 days at a time trying to rectify wich seems to be the way things are done, first you get greeted by a voice that has the monotone of complete disinterest, then hold the line for 15-30 minutes only for your call to be answered by a person which seems to be randomly selected off the street to answer calls for a day there is no clue as to sort any problem out nor an attemt to even make you feel they are trying, then after which feels like forever explaining in the smallest words one can think of the call is dropped. Payment on the contract is made in time but every month we need to help them find itand then have the frustration of trying to connect the service that should not have been cut. Tonight 4 hours was spent trying to find a way to send payment notification so that extra outstanding acount on a CONTROLED CONTRACT could be finalized. Can a "real" senior member of staff please contact me to explain why a company as large as Cell C cannot sort this out. Using Trevor maybe was showing what a joke this is...

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Customer service
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