Nashua Mobile
3 Weeks to get a new contract!!!


Went into Nashua mobile to get a new contract on mtn iPhone 5s.
As I'm currently a Nashua mobile data contract holder I was advised that this should be no issue and that my cell nr (currently with vodacom) would be ported onto mtn.
I filled in all the required paperwork and it was sent of to the credit department for checks.

1st Week I called the branch 3 times, and was advised that there is an issue with the port and they had to resubmit the paperwork, I then followed this up with 3 more calls and left a message with the assistant for Leani to call me back, she has upto today not called me back once.

2nd week into the process I once again called and spoke to the assistant and Leani was going to give me a call back, once again nothing.
3rd week I called and spoke to Francois, and he advised that there is a stock issue and they will let me know. My last call to Nashua was made today 19/12/2013 Leani was once again busy, but after holding on (as I've insisted on speaking to someone) I got through to Francois, he advised that its probably a stock issue, but after check the details, he told me that there is issues with the port and I'm better off going somewhere else. Dissappointed

Company: Nashua Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Durbanville
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