Cell C
Bad Connection Bad Response = Cell C


I would like to inform everybody out there thinking about getting a Cell C data card or bundle to think again.

I bought a 21mbps speed stick and subscribed to a 20 gig per month contract but the connection speed is so bad it's driving me insane.

I logged a call more than a month ago and have phone back 4 times but every time they tell me they are looking into the problem. They keep promising to send a technician to my house to come and test the connection but nobody comes. Every time I phone I speak to a different department and then I get referred to a different department again.

My connection is so bad I could barely log this complaint. Why have a speed stick that can reach 21 mbps but the most I get is 80-100 kbps. Not only was the speed stick a waste of money (R1000) but the connection is so slow I cant use the 20 gigs a month which also becomes a waste of money.

Think again before using Cell C

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Wierda Park Centurion
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Cell C
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