No more Unlimited Internet package!


I was very sad to hear that MTN had discontinued the Unlimited Internet package which I signed up for last year. This month my contract expires, and I've now settled for the supposed "Heavy User" package of 5Gig 4gig "Free" (yes I know fellow readers, that is a joke!)

I was just getting used to and enjoying having an almost first world internet connection out here in the countryside, where I didn't have to keep watching my bandwidth usage when shopping for MP3's online, streaming Youtube videos and of course all those cheap games available on Steam, GOG and Humble Bundle. How am I supposed to download my copy of Battlefield 3 which is 20gigs when I only have a 9 gig limit? It'll take 3 months now. So now I have to go back to buying hard copies in stores and not finding the cheapest option online. At R200 more for a lesser product - I can't say I'm exactly thrilled at the prospect. I just wanted to say Thanks MTN, the past 12 months have really been great - I'm NOT looking forward to the next 24 as I'll be stuck with your contract till 2015...

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: MTN
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We may have to slow down your Internet speeds


BIS service pathetic

Poor bandwidth

Limitless internet on a 2GB package

ADSL quality poor service

Cell C
Throttled back due to high use

Nashua Mobile
Change the contract to ruin my day

Nashua Mobile
Internet speed extremely slow