Nashua Mobile
Nashua Mobile - worst mobile supplie


Have been a customer of Nashua Mobile for the past fifteen years I have yet to experience a efficient upgrade or any service from them. I have once again tried to upgrade my sons phone without any success almost three weeks later. Firstly there were two sim cards loaded for him on the network, please note getting various inconsistent feedback from various consultants as to the reason why!!! Then secondly eventually they came to the conclusion that the handset was faulty!!! A Samsung S4... I had to drive all the way back to clear water mall to take it back.. then to add insult to injury after another week has gone by with the promised delivery date being Wednesday I contacted them today where an extremely consultant named Robert told me that it was humanly impossible to deliver the phone today (then went into a sarcastic explanation about them travelling at 120 km an hour it would be humanly impossible to deliver it to Brynston by 18h00) PLEAES I need another service provider who understands the concept of customer service this is unacceptable after I have tried to contact the branch 5 times today without anyone answering the phones!!

Company: Nashua Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Clear Water Mall
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