Nashua Mobile
Policies make no sense and staff unhelpful


I went into Nashua yesterday to get the Samsung S4. When I went in, I asked the assistant when I could upgrade and she said within a months time. I was confused because I had previously upgraded in the middle of the year. In any case I would change the contract to pay more for the S4 and ultimately give Nashua more money per month. For some reason this was not possible and Nashua wouldn't take my money. I asked if I could cancel my contract and the assistant immediately told me no with no explanation or care for my situation. I stormed off and returned with my father (the account holder) and spoke to the same assistant. Suddenly she changed her tone and gave him more facts than she did to me. Even after this, the assistant did not provide me with any options or alternatives. The only option she provided me with is a lose lose situation where regardless of what happens I lose my number, pay a cancellation fee or be unable to get the S4.I was not helped at all by Nashua and most likely scenario that will happen is wait for the contract to run out, get the phone at another company and post Nashua shortcomings on every social network possible.

Company: Nashua Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Canal Walk
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