8ta / Telkom Mobile
, Identity


In March 2013, I made a credit application for the iPhone 5 at the new 8ta store in Fourways Mall. Since then I am now a victim of identity. All of my identification information from my ID number, employee number, physical address you name it; was either sold or just given away to. Being a person who does not often buy on credit and who keeps a good credit record. This must have happened at the 8ta store in Fourways when I did a credit application for my iPhone 5. The people who are in position of my details, for some of their activities they are using my physical address with an error which only 8ta store would have had from the proof of address I gave to the consultant. I did open an identity case with the police. The latest of the was to try and rob me of my hard earned salary. It is extremely upsetting that I went to a trusted company 8ta for a service that I pay for and I now have to live with the burden. 8ta must take responsibility for such negligence. I request that this matter be investigated.

Company: 8ta / Telkom Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Fourways
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Please remove your store from my credit profile

Account opened fraudently with my details

MTN not taking identity seriously!


MBD Attorneys
Non-update of credit status

Account on my name

Fruadulent Credit Card

Edgars mixing my account with someone else's