No 3G coverage in Richards Bay


I've tried on numerous occasions over the past two months to get assistance from MTN's Coverage Department in Richards Bay without any success. I moved on the 25th of April to a new home and my MTN 3G modem receives a very poor signal from the local MTN communications tower. The result is that it is a major frustration to access the internet because data transfer is so slow that most internet connections keep timing out.
I've spoken to numerous people at MTN and been advised to try a number of options including changing the modem settings which have not resulted in any improvements in this regard. After each attempt to rectify the matter I was referred to the Coverage Dept in Richards Bay who never seem to be available.
The Coverage Dept has yet to contact me to assist in improving coverage which in turn will solve the slow data issue.
Previous reference numbers provided are: 6583921, 0053571 and 6571352
Currently I am contracted to MTN for the 3G service, paying my monthly service fees without fail, yet I get no follow up or feedback from MTN or 3G coverage for that matter.
ANY assistance in resolving this matter will be highly appreciated.

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: Richards Bay
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Paying customer with no internet

All I want is Voice & Data coverage inside my home

Cell C
Poor network or no network coverage

How can I get the service I was promised?

Goodbye to Mtn after 17 years!

No 3G Coverage for a week

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Poor signal and 3G coverage although the MTN map s

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