No Feedback


My wife and I went into the store to apply for a Vodacom contract worth R12k over 2 years.

Application was approved and we needed to submit additional documentation to get approval for the handset we chose. This documentation was provided to the consultant who said we should receive feedback within 24 hours.

We waited more than that period and phoned again whereby the consultant said they are working on it and will get back to us within an hour. No call. After 2 and a half hours we phoned again only to hear that there was an error with the paperwork and it would need to be resubmitted. This time we will receive feedback in 30 minutes from the consultant. The consultant phoned in 30 minutes saying that unfortunately we would have to wait another day to hear the outcome as the call centre was going home for the day.

This type of service for a new contract, I DO NOT THINK SO!

Company: Cellucity
Country: South Africa
City: The Grove Mall
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No Response At All

First National Bank
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Standard Bank
4 Calls, not 1 returned, application not submitted

Cell C
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Virgin Money South Africa
Lack of Feedback and follow up on request


No response from Home Loans division

Customer Privacy and Security

Poor Customer Service

Pathetic Service from Vodacom