Cell C
Quiry on Cell C " Get it servicce"


Sometime this year I was approached by the company or service called "Get it service" through Cell C since I'm having contract with Cell C, On 9th April in the morning I called them to cancel the get it service from my contract and they kept on promising that it will be attended to by the cancelation deptment and consultant would call me before end of the day but I never received anycall from that service instead their debit order went off my account, again after end of April I called again and got the same promise that cancelation is busy with my request, I called directly Cell C to intervene this and I was told that my request was sent through to get it service and someone will contact me up until today nobody has contacted me, this morning I called to check how far with my cancelation and I was told the same thing that my request will be sent to the cancelation dptment and someone will call me, what makes me angry and upset is that my money is being deducted though I've been sending numerous requests for the cancelation and Cell C doesnt seem to help me much on this as they are the ones who give out our numbers to these so calle" get it service". I want my money to be refunded

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Cell C
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