Fruit And Veg City
Blame it on the custome

Shops, Products, Services

I went to F&V on 26 November 2012 -served by the cashier Goodness. Just before entering the shop I saw the herbs and there was only ONE price - R8.99 &I decided instead of taking only 2 I will rather take 4 because of the good price. I went to the lady who is working with the flowers & she CONFIRMED the price of R8.99. - which she afterwards denied. When arriving at the till I saw that the lavender that I took went through for R19.99 each. Then all of the sudden the lady from the flowers said - she told me that the price was R19.99 which is not true! The supervisor tried to convince me that I am wrong and actually put the blame on me. The lavender on top of the table was between the other plants&the rest were under the table in a box - NO PRICE OF R19.99 ONLY THE R8.99. When leaving the shop all of a sudden the lavender plants were together in one box (which was not the case when I took the plants in the beginning)&the yellow price tag of R19.99 was there. The Supervisor who handled the case was rude&she did not handle me - the customer the way it suppose to be. The staff actually only wanted to protect themselves&put the blame on me the customer to avoid getting into trouble.

Company: Fruit And Veg City
Country: South Africa
City: Elarduspark
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Checkers & Checkers Hypers
Price you see is price you pay

Wrong prices on the shelves

Bad Service From A Superviso

Poor Customer Service

Price on product is not what you pay

The Space
The Space Misleads Customers

Staff bad manners and bad prices

Checkers & Checkers Hypers
Disgusting Service

Wrong pricing displayed at the doo

Incorrect price at till