Why hang it up for Sale if I can't Buy it?

Shops, Products, Services

Yesterday I went in to the JET MART store in Germiston Golden Walk, to get myself a few supplies amongst those was hairbands that I really needed... I was told I may not have them because the bar code does not work! Bar code? I mean really? Firstly they waisted my time by telling me to go get other ones that might scan and after I had literally taken all the hairbands of the shelf, they tell me none of them scan. And just because the lady who works in that section of the store is not available I would have to go back after two day to get the hairband... I left the store at 6:15, it was dark outside and I still did not have what I needed...

Company: Jet
Country: South Africa
City: Golden Walk, Germiston
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Pick 'n Pay
Scan Right Guarantee

Pick 'n Pay

Pick 'n Pay

Pick 'n Pay
Scan right guarantee does not apply

Mr Price
Kept waiting

Pick 'n Pay
Scan right gauarantee

Pick 'n Pay
Scan right Policy

Pick 'n Pay
Not applying "scan right guarantee"

Incomptent staff and store manage