Norton Lambrianos Attorneys

Lawyers & Legal Counseling

I am afraid that my problems with this attorneys is not yet finished. After the last report that I issued on Hello Peter I person from this company did phone me and I yet again explain to him that my account is under debt councelling and they do get payments as per the consent order.

I did make a once off payment to them in February for R500.00 and then decided that I am not going to make extra payments to them anymore because they do receive payment of R165.00 as per the consent order.

Lo and behold I received another call from them regarding payments. I yet again explain to them that I am under debt councelling so why should I pay anything more. Yet again the agent didnt understand. I yet again send an email to their offices last week but until now they didnt respond back.

I want a written confirmation from this company that they will stop hassling me or else I am going to lay a complaint against them at the Ombudsman for debt councelling. E Dyman

Company: Norton Lambrianos Attorneys
Country: South Africa
City: Head office
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Norton Lambrianos Attorneys
Virgin Credit Accountnr: VA095396

Norton Lambrianos Attorneys
Constant phone calls and sms's

Non stop calls

Standard Bank
Standard Bank cannot resolve my problem

First National Bank
You are just a number if you have no money

UNFAIR!!! - Please accept payment offer!!!

Norton Lambrianos Attorneys
Bad Attitude

Standard Bank
The worst bank ever?

Norton Lambrianos Attorneys

Debt Review ILLEGALLY Terminated