Voucher code: 800568146 "Canopy Tour"

Internet & Web

Extremely poor service and communication - zero pro-active feedback from Netflorist call centre (0861 300 600)

I attempted to make a booking with reference to the headline voucher code, besides the toll free number answering delay and voice message which continuously keep the caller on hold, i found the lack of feedback totally unacceptable. I found myself calling a number of time to enquire about feedback that had previously been promised to me. The below sequence of events demonstrates the utter poor service from this supplier.
June calls:
10th - Booking made, confirmation to follow from Net florsit
18th - no reply yet from them
18th - called them, they had no feedback
18th - they called back with no confirmation but still working on it
19th - no feedback from them, they promised to revert with feedback
19th - I had to call them again to check feedback
19th - received mail to confirm booking was made.

Company: NetFlorist
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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Groupon SA
Rose Reflexology Bar | No Feedback

Sun International
Birthday Surprise ruined due to canclled booking!

How long should I wait?

Hakuna Matata Charters
Bad Service

Netflorist the worst experience eve

Discovery Card
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