Dr Reynhardt Van Rooyen
Incorrect diagnosis and treatment

Health & Medicine

I was referred to this practitioner by Dr Jeanne-Marie Malan (Little Co. of Mary). According to her - he was the appropriate specialist to check out a preliminary diagnosis relating to severe chest pains Id experienced. He confirmed the diagnosis of a pulmonary embolism - saying there was a genetic influence. Prescribed the drug Warfarin. Turned out - it wasn't an embolism - I was told by another specialist when the chest pains happened again (I was taking his prescribed Warfarin at such time) to STOP taking the drug. There is no test iro a genetic influence.

During my consultation with him, he ordered a blood test, thereafter also prescribing Eltroxin (thyroid). I became ill thereafter - range of symptoms I was unable to understand. After battling the symptoms for y-e-a-r-s-, had to terminate my employment. Recently, I discovered - blood test range very wide and only for doctor's purpose of prescribing drug - no correlation towards patient (my) health benefit / well-being.

What I experienced as a result of this practitioner - he is not a real doctor, just practices drug-cealing in camoflage.

Company: Dr Reynhardt Van Rooyen
Country: South Africa
City: Pretoria
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