Resolution Health Medical Scheme
Non-payment of Chronic Account

Health & Medicine

I have been with Resolution for almost a year now and despite various emails and phone calls I have not received a response.
During the three month waiting period, my husband had to go get blood tests for his chronic condition. This is one that is listed as a PMB and I confirmed with Optivest, that these tests would be paid. The account was initially not paid as the ICD10 codes where missing. I only found this out through Marilize at Optivest.
I have now been told that this account will not be paid because
1) the treatment was during the 3 month waiting period
2) there were no ICD10 codes on the original account
3) it is now out of the 3 months grace period to pay accounts.

I have also been handed over to the attorneys due to non-payment of this account.
I have sent emails to Resolution and Optivest but still have received no response. What am I meant to do now?

Company: Resolution Health Medical Scheme
Country: South Africa
City: Head Office
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