Remedi Medical Scheme
Remedi - deducts monthly for non existing members?

Health & Medicine

My daughter, who is still a student, has just rudely found out at the Xray department at our local hospital that she was removed from our medical aid! We are on Remedi who belongs to Discovery. Discovery's call centre advises my husband upon him phoning that "we were advised by Remedi to remove her as you have not supplied proof that she is a student"! WHAT??? AT NO STAGE were we ever notified that we have to annually provide proof - And no phone call, no email, no letter requesting this before you just took her off! How lazy can your call centre be???!! Why has our monthly debit amount not changed then, you are still taking off the monies as if she was on it? I will pay for the Xrays now but you better HOPE and pray that she is not in an accident before you have reinstated her! I will definitely be taking this further! Member no. 320305530

Company: Remedi Medical Scheme
Country: South Africa
City: Head Office
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Discovery Health
Take members off but still deduct funds!!!

Discovery Health
Over a year to be added to a Medical Aid!

Remedi Medical Scheme

Remedi Medical Scheme
Not paying

Discovery Health
Lacklisted because doctors claims not paid

Remedi Medical Scheme
Membership and approvals

Remedi Medical Scheme
Worst medical aid ever!!!

Remedi Medical Scheme
Cancelled in February 2013 still being charged

Remedi Medical Scheme
Failing to Approve Hospital Procedure