Protea Hotels
Bad Service and Misrepresentation

Health & Medicine

I signed up with Prokard last year and decided not to renew my membership this year as the benefits offered did not fit my needs. I go a call from from one of the agents with regards to renewing my membership. I explained my situation and thje call ended. However, on the 29th January 2013, I received a call from Anuschka with regards to renewing my membership. I explained to her the reason why I did not want to renew due to not being able to use the vouchers consecutively at the same hotel as well as it cannot be gifted to anyone else. She assured me that this can be done and gave me her personal cell number to contact when I want use the vouchers or gift it. I then signed up and paid the relevant fee. In April I phoned her with regards to using my vouchers in August and requested her assistance. She advised that she will find out and get back to me. I had to phone her every single day over a period of 10 working days without any joy. I then escalated the issue to her manager Jan Watermeyer and lo and behold no joy as well. He also promised to get back to me but to no avail. I phoned and spoke to Inoma who advised that she will get back to me. I still await the phone call.

Company: Protea Hotels
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
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Protea Hotels
Prokard roberry

Protea Hotels
"Free vouchers" with Prokard membership USELESS

Protea Hotels
Prokard benefit

Protea Hotels
Paid for Prokard from Protea Hotel received nothin

Protea Hotels
Unauthorised membership not cancelled

Protea Hotels
Prokard from Protea Hotels what a ripoff!!

Protea Hotels
Vouchers not valid?

Protea Hotels
Prokard is a!!!

Protea Hotels
Vouchers not Valid