Rosebank College
Very rude and inconsiderate consultant

Education & Science

My brother was studying through Rosebank college in 2011 I had to take a study loan from ABSA bank since my mother passed on and he failed 1 module in the previous year which I learnt that if he can pass all his modules for the current year he wont need to pay the R4450 for the module he failed &I took R29900 with ABSA which I could have just added the R4450, On the 19 January 2013 I got a call from Elliot telling me that Im owing R4450 which i had to ask my brother about it and he confirmed that he registered the module but I was not aware which was not a problem I tried to make an arragment to pay the full amount in August when I get my increase from work since my financial state is not good for me to pay anything because I am the only person working at home with 8 siblings & my 2 kids depending on me and Elliot was very rude and swearing at me and I asked to speak to his manager which was not available I ended up starting to pay R450 a month which I only manage to pay for 2 months &I couldnt afford any more since my brother is still not working now Im recieving treatning SMS from Elliot saying they handing me over &I promised I will definately settle the account August

Company: Rosebank College
Country: South Africa
City: Braamfontein
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Rosebank College
Sent from pillar to post

JD Financial Services
Bad and very bad customer service

31 Modules for a 30 module Degree

Registration Problems again

Vaal University Of Technology
Being charged double the amount

Registration Problems again

Rosebank College
Warning Students Never Register with Rose Bank

Not credited for my Bursary

Application Additional Module to Complete Degree

JD Financial Services
Giving me different information