Vehicles For All
Acquiring & Selling Cars

Cars & Transport

I had met with Martinette on the 10th December 2012 and they took delivery of my vehicle on the 11th December 2012.

I was told that they needed my vehicle to do some repairs and touch ups in order to prepare it for their client and that I was to receive payment within 5 days. After numerous phone calls, excuses and stories I received a letter from African Bank stating that payment would be made on the 03rd January 2012 (more than 3 weeks later) and that my car was being held at "a depot".

On the 07th January 2013 I called African Bank to check the status of the payout and was informed that no application had been submitted. This was apparently due to an employee of African Bank misleading customers.

After daily follow ups on my part I finally spoke to Martinette on the 25th January 2013 stating that I was cancelling the contract and that the car had to be returned to me. She called me on the 28th January 2013 saying that they were removing the tracking system (among other things) that they had installed and that she does not know when my car will be returned to me.

I managed to recover my car from them on the 29th January 2013 after getting the police involved.

Company: Vehicles For All
Country: South Africa
City: Parklands
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African Bank

Dial Direct Insurance
Refusing to refund the bank charges

African Bank
Breach of contract

African Bank

African Bank
Pathetic Service

African Bank

Refund due not paid

African Bank
Credit Card 4214 5700 0519 2584

Groupon SA

African Bank
African Bank Bad service