The Meat Company
My Favourite Restuarant let me down

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

I usually go to the Meat Co in Fourways (Monte Casino) but this day I went to the branch at Clearwater Mall because I happened to be in the area. So it was my birthday and I decided to get some take away oxtail from my then bedridden mother and myself to celebrate the occasion. I then bought two portions of the oxtail and took it home. To my disappointment I found that oxtail was sour, covered in oil and just tasted horrible. I took a picture of the oxtail which I bought on the 19/09 but the bag in which it was in was dated 08/09. So we obviously had to throw the R300 worth meat away. I then went to a different Meat Co (Monte Casino) to buy more food so we wouldn't go to bed hungry. When I told the waiter my story of earlier events he then referred me to a gentleman who apparently runs the Clearwater branch - Who happened to be at Monte Casino at the time. I told the gentleman my story and he apologised on the restaurant's behalf. He then took my receipt from Clearwater mall and promised to compensate me. He took the receipt and my number and till this day I have not had any feedback. I must say that I am very disappointed because I have so much respect for this restaurant.

Company: The Meat Company
Country: South Africa
City: Clearwater
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