Finrite Insurance Administrators

Business & Finance

17April2013 my phone stopped working i wouldnt charge or switch on. I called the insurance and spoke to Dedre around 8:50- Very helpful and polite. She advised me on what to do as it hadnt been a month since it came back from repairs she refered me to call another no# 0861238242 i spoke to Byron, He advised me that they would pick up my phone that same day and latest on the 18th. These days went by. I got no call from the insurance company and no1 came to pick up my call. On the 19th i decided to call Dedre again who gave me a direct number to a Team Leader Danika 0113751881. I spoke to her she seemed very helpful and assured me she was going to follow up and give me a call at 2 and another 1 by 5 to see if the phone was picked up. All i got was empty promise. No email was sent no sms... I gave her 2 numbers to call and no vmail or missed call was found. I am shoked at ur level of work, 1stly when my phone went into service it was because the screen had cracked. The service i got from Lebogang was shocking but i lrt that slide, Then my phone comes back "fixed" but a few weeks laters it just goes dark. My phone luckily started working again lastnight but how do i know this wont happen again

Company: Finrite Insurance Administrators
Country: South Africa
City: Call centre
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Finrite Insurance Administrators
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I'm still waiting for my phone