24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance

Business & Finance

My deepest disappointment to your service. I've been communicating with 24 HR for more than 3 weeks.
I've been a paying client and according to your policy one has to submit a claim within 48 hours, I submitted mine just after 24 hours on the 18th Feb after the terrible burglary.
I then waited to be contacted after a promise from Megan Hope on the 18th Feb that I will be contacted within 24 hours! I was then asked to give details of what happened, i found it very strange since all details are on the saps case file. I made another followup on the 26th to Megan who then forwarded email to Shamel. Still No one contacted me, then after I called on Monday the 4th of March expressing my anger, then some one called back- Shamel. Strangely she asked me what really happened to my handset!? A strange question to me, since I sent the claim report ages ago! She then told me that since iPhone4s has been discontinued I will be given an iPhone 5 but have a difference to pay, I noted that I was informed already. She then asked if I had an mtn contract then immediately 4S is suddenly available. I told her-Only 32G is available after me running around to all shops-then I'm told of another policy!

Company: 24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance
Country: South Africa
City: Gauteng
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24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance
24 Hour Mobility give shocking service

24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance
Poor service and time and money wasting

24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance
Never doing business with them eve

Finrite Insurance Administrators
Not impressed at all

24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance

24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance
Extra effort given to assist with iPhone claim

24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance
Client does not come first!!

24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance
Take your money but can't live up to promise

24Hour Mobility Cellphone Insurance
Service that left my heart smiling for days

Cell C
Claim delay