Standard Bank
Customer (We Don't) Care

Business & Finance

I Have been trying to cancel insurance by standard bank now for a week and all I'm getting is the run around with no results. Go to the brunch, call this number, email this person, call this other number, now call this automated service center that will ask you so many questions that by the time you feel like your making any progress, the R60 airtime you loaded just for this call is finished and you have to start again. At this point i feel like i have spent more on airtime and petrol than i do in a month for the insurance. It is really frustrating and all i want is results. Why has it become such a mission to do something so simple. On the 10th they will once again deduct money from my account for a service i don't want anymore, and worst of all is when they do, i will have no right to complain or ask for it back because of a contract I'm trying to cancel but can't. At this rate they wont only loose my insurance account but all my banking to do with Standard bank.

Company: Standard Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Polokwane
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