First National Bank
Tried and tested before Guilty

Business & Finance

Out of the blue GL Inc sms'd & called, allegedly a CC was in arrears since 2006! it was now 2013? FNB had handed it over to them. 1. We had no idea about this CC 2. We had paid up all CC 3. Since 2006? why only now? I asked GL to plse send proof of account & amount owing? they did & it was our account but VERY VERY old one that was paid up. I asked for statements - they sent but only fm 2012 when it was given to GL. R13 845. I asked for more statements to see why/when last payment was paid? to this date no statements? today a very rude lady called Patricia Louw called fm GL & accused me of all sorts of things, told me she was going to pass judgement & I could deal with a Sheriff - the more I tried to tell her about previous emails & what I was waiting for, the more she would not listen. I still do not know about this account? 2006 come on FNB? I will NOT deal with GL Inc, I do not trust them and will not be made to feel like a villain. Will someone from FNB please contact me ASAP so we can sort this out. FNB if this is who you use to represent you - shame on you. Oh & everyday you pile more interest on to an account we know nothing about?

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Gauteng
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Close saving account in 2006 Now been sue forR1949

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First National Bank
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