Standard Bank
Unethical Practise

Business & Finance

I had accepted an offer to increase my Blue Bean Credit Card under condition that the interest rate remains unchanged. The agent confirmed this clearly and even mentioned that nothing will change even if I max my limit. To my surprise when i received my October's Statement my interest rate had gone up by 3 %. I queried this and was given 3 different versions as to why this happen. i logged this query on the 04 October 2013 and to date it has not being resolved. I requested copies of my contract and the tapes and the response was they still looking for them. My query has gone as to the CEO's office and still no joy. i was even asked why would Standard bank want to reimbursed me for my time wasted on phone calls and emails sent to them. This is the kind of service i received from a bank that i have being using for more than 15 years. How disgusting is this. Are there any clients out there with the same issue that I'm having. Guys you need to check your statements carefully.

Company: Standard Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Head Office
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