What debit order?

Business & Finance

I detest debit orders, so you can imagine my surprise on finding out a couple of days ago that a debit order was installed on my savings account without my authorization written or verbal. I immediately contacted ABSA to request the reversal of this transaction. A few Emails later (I am working in Qatar at the moment), and in short I was told very nicely that the transaction would not be reversed and I was to go to the bank to stop the debit order... I never wanted installed in the first place off a savings account I do not use to pay bills... After I explained I am working in Qatar...
Is a person or company accessing one's account without the account holder's authorization not or am I missing something here?
I have requested a complaint reference number and will be contacting the Ombudsman for Banking.

Company: Absa
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
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Banking Details Changed

Bogus debit orders

Non authorised account activity

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Unauthorized debit orders

Reverse the debit orders taken without authority

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