Outsurance is an Auto-fail

Business & Finance

We stay in a secure complex, with electric fencing, bells nd whistles, etc. Durng the course of the night of Friday 23rd Aug - Saturday 24th August 2013, Our Car was broken into. Upon leaving for work on Sat, I discovered this. I called SAPS, they were exceptional (Kudos to them), got my case number within minutes, and I don't even pay them! I pay Outsurance an Exceptional amount for cover, never missed a payment! I called 0860060000, Spoke to a Patricia Sithole [Email Removed] Now cause of the nature of the damage, we needed the window replaced immediately. Patricia informed me that only Glassfit is authed to replace te window and they will only be able to get the window today, Mon 26th Aug. Now bearing in mind, the car was unusable for the pst 2 days, I couldn't get to work and lost out on a days pay.

Further more, having the driving personality I have, I made a few calls, and low and behold, Souh Africa has 24Hr Glass Companies!!! SA, our wonderful country! (Kudos to SA). So Upon finding this well of refreshing water, OUTSURANCE informs me, I'll have to pay for the window! WHAAAT? Moral of the story, Outsurance is in breach of contract, and I'm going to be Rich!!

Company: Outsurance
Country: South Africa
City: Head Office
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Outsurance and Glassfit giving bad service

Excellent Service

PG Glass
Over Price on Access

1 Supplie

Broken Window

Hockey ball through car window

1st Claim and already BAD SERVICE!

Poor service no bending backwards

Rediculous request to fulfill a claim

What great service